• Date: 01/07/2024

Revival returns to Royal Stoke!

This July we’re joining the North Staffordshire Integrated Discharge Hub (IDH) to help support people home from hospital.

We’ve been commissioned to support the development and delivery of care and support services from across the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VSCE) sector as a member of the Integrated Discharge Hub based at Royal Stoke University Hopsital.

The 12-month service funded by the Better Care Fund, will support patients as before, helping those with low-level support needs to return safely home from hospital and prevent readmissions.

It’s welcomed news for the team, who are glad to be working with the Royal Stoke University Hospital Team after their Hospital Discharge service ended last year.

This time, the team will also play a vital role in helping the development of opportunities for partners in the VCSE sector to ensure that local people have access to a wider directory of bespoke support to help people recover and settle back into their homes and communities.

The funding has created three new roles and a new Revival Discharge Team who will complete assessments and put support plans in place to help local people overcome any hurdles that prevent them from living independently.

Head of Business Development, Quality and Operations, Diane Pyatt says she’s pleased the team can help and support local people once again.

“We’re really pleased to be working with the Royal Stoke University Hospital team once again”, said Diane.

“At Revival we believe everyone should be able to live independently at home for as long as possible.

“When someone becomes ill and gets admitted into hospital, their needs may change as a direct result. They may be unable to return to their ‘normal’ home life or may require adaptations or downstairs living.

“This often holds up discharges because actions are needed before someone can return safely.

“Our team, with the re-launch of the service, will support both patients and staff through that process. Ensuring any barriers are removed before discharge, that people can thrive in their communities, and that there’s no future risk of readmission.

“We’re really excited for this joint venture and can’t wait to be part of the hub!”

Find out more about our Hospital Discharge service
